The dc-dc power module ripple index value is a very important main parameter. A clean power module is the primary condition for the smooth operation of digital circuits, and it is also a vital guarant...
Isolation power supply: Isolation power supply means that the high voltage is reduced to low voltage through a transformer, and the rectifier becomes a DC voltage.
In view of the large sales market demand for power supply modules, many distributors have appeared on the market to release different types of power supply modules
How is the future development of customized power modules? Let's take a look at the detailed briefings of active electronic power module manufacturers on the progress of customized power modules.
List of common faults of dcdc power supply modules, dcdc power module faults are mainly divided into dcdc power module fault content, dcdc power module cause, and finally the measures taken by the dcd...
The dcdc power module is used for power distribution for its related components. It is like an adapter, which is the medium between the power supply and the device.
List of common faults of acdc module power supply, acdc module power supply failures are mainly divided into acdc module power supply failure content, acdc module power supply cause, and finally the a...
When users want to have requirements for power modules, they face a wide range of power modules with different shapes and numbers, different parameters, and many brands. How to choose a power module t...
The isolated module power supply with DC output allows several power modules to be used in series with their "positive" and another "negative", so that some regular or higher voltage values can be obt...
For these customers who are willing to use the acdc module power supply for the validity period, they can only use more protection and maintenance in the specific application to maximize their functio...